Bloom/Blooming & Georgetown Art Attack
Side Rail Collective presents Bloom/Blooming: a multimedia show celebrating new growth and creative fleur-ishing. Curated by collective members Essa Baird & Shawna Stewart, this show features an array of growth inspired paintings, textiles, sculpture, collage, and more from artists: Essa Baird, Nicola Beeson, Kelli Kirk, Trisha Gilmore, Brad Gutting, Lily Hotchkiss, Renee Marquardt, Grace Schlitt, Syd Shera, Gretchen Siegrist, Shawna Stewart, and Emily Wamsley.
@siderailcollective// @emily_wamsley // @essa_baird // @lillyhotchkissart // @twigandplume // @bgutting// @graceschlitt // @gretchensiegristclay // @sydsheraclayart // @trishagilmore // @shawnastew_art // @saintvesta// @seaflourchild // @nicolabeeson
#Bloom #BloomBlooming #seattleartpost #seattleartopenings #seattlemakers #seattleartscene #tincollage #georgetownseattle #encausticcollage #flowerstagram #ceramics #botanicalart #astrologyart #embroideryart #watercolor